Posted on 2/1/2020

Sometimes, your vehicle will give you warning signs. When your vehicle tries to tell you something, it is best to pay attention. At first, it can be a struggle to figure out what your vehicle is saying -- it is a completely foreign language! Fortunately, the team at Orinda Motors can act as your interpreter. Here are 5 auto repair-related red flags you should not ignore: If your car’s temperature gauge has a constant and slow fluctuation after warming-up, this may be an indication that air is getting into your engine’s cooling system. Your temperature gauge should only ebb and flow after a few minutes of driving. Temperatures gauge can accurately report your coolant temperature, but they can not read air temperature. If you notice your headlights flickering at night, it may mean that your headlights are about to go dark, caused by a broken or loose headlamp mount. If the flickering occurs when you are driving on a bumpy road, it could mean that you have a brok ... read more