Posted on 7/1/2019

The Fourth of July is one of our favorite holidays. We get to celebrate how our country came to be and what we stand for -- independence, bravery, and freedom. Luckily for us, Orinda hosts one of the best Independence Day celebrations in the East Bay. That is why Orinda Motors has proudly been a sponsor for Orinda’s Fourth of July Parade for many years. But if you cannot join us in Orinda for the city-wide Independence Day celebration, we are fortunate that other parts of the Bay Area is home to some spectacular fireworks. However, it can be a challenge finding the best spot to view these fireworks, especially if we are making the drive to busy San Francisco. Here are some secret spots for viewing Fourth of July fireworks in the Bay Area: San Francisco Art Institute: You can watch the fireworks from the roof terrace of this institute. Beforehand, you can meander through the halls, enjoying all the Diego Rivera murals. Alta Plaza Park: If you have any little ... read more