Posted on 8/18/2020
Classic car enthusiasts, rejoice! The popular Orinda Classic Car Show is adjusting to the COVID-era and this is good news. Prepare yourselves for some mobile fun by participating in The 2020 Orinda Classic Car Tour on September 12, 2020. Isn’t this exciting news? If you want to enter your car in The 2020 Orinda Classic Car Tour, click here to register: Space is limited and we are only able to include the first 100 cars that register for this event. If you have questions, email [email protected]. Drivers/riders will arrive in their vehicles between 9:00 and 10:00 AM and depart by 10:30 AM. Passengers are welcome to join in. After the Tour everyone will return to the Orinda Village. But wait, there’s more for Spectators, too! &n ... read more
Posted on 9/1/2019

An owner’s love for their classic car usually runs deep, as they’ve grown attached to their vehicles. They appreciate the more nuanced features and appearance of their classic car, holding their vintage vehicle close to their heart. At Orinda Classic Car Center, we understand this attachment. We have helped restore and service vintage vehicles fulfilling many of our clients’ dream of owning a classic car. Here is what it is a sneak peek of what it is like owning a classic car: Classic cars have a complete style of their own. When you are driving your classic car, you will feel yourself completely, as your vintage vehicle is practically an extension of yourself. Classic cars are an expression of yourself. Expect to receive attention. People will ask numerous questions about your classic car, so be ready to answer their questions and bask in the glow of your vintage vehicle. Your classic car will be the subject of drooling. Owning a classic ... read more
Posted on 2/1/2018
Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, so we imagine you are already planning the big day. However, we don’t want you to forget about your classic car. Let’s make sure to show your classic car some love this Valentine’s Day, and Orinda Classic Car Center is here to help give your vehicle so much needed TLC. It doesn’t matter if your classic car or even truck needs complex engine work, authentic restoration, or auto detailing. We can handle virtually anything your vintage vehicle needs, as our team possess the experience and finesse to service your car with the precision and accuracy it needs. Just tell our team at Orinda Classic Car Center your dream for your classic car this Valentine’s Day, and we will figure out to turn your vision into reality. With us on your side, Valentine’s Day for your classic car will be a success. At Orinda Classic Car Center, we aim to do whatever it takes to complete a project, whether that ... read more
Posted on 1/1/2018
Happy 2018 everybody! With the New Year upon us, you may be thinking “out way the old, and in with the new.” However, does this saying apply to your car; is now the right time to purchase a new car? We, at Orinda Motors, have compiled a few questions for you to answer. If you are saying yes to most of these, then you may think the New Year means getting a new car. Are repairs costing more than the car is worth? If you are unsure about your answer to this question, bring your vehicle to Orinda Motors, and let our technicians have a look. We will be honest about the condition of your car. Is safety becoming an issue? It doesn’t matter how well maintained your car is. If it is unsafe to operate, it is time to go. We don’t cut any corners with safety, and we don’t think you should either. Is the cost of auto insurance rising? Older cars, on average, tend to be more expensive to insure, but pay close attention to your premium. You may end up payin ... read more
Posted on 12/1/2017
Orinda Motors is delighted to have a new division to serve our customers: Orinda Classic Car Center. At our facility, we truly enjoy working on vintage vehicles, and we think our passion shows in the work we perform. We think the honest and heartfelt reviews left by our clients are a testament to our actions. Take a look at this recent review from one of our beloved customers, who frequents Orinda Classic Car Center: “The Appraiser said my fully restored stunning Aquamarine 1960 Thunderbird was a "Cream Puff Extraordinaire ". You can't get a higher rating than that, right? Thanks, John V. and Staff for getting me to the finish line on my dream car restoration. I feel like Doris Day driving over the Golden Gate bridge in one of her movies. Nice. Spoiled. Just Spoiled. I tell John V. what I want and please keep me on a budget and 3 days later he has 3 or 4 ideas of what needs urgent attention for safety and throws in some glamour as well. My rear view mirror ... read more
Posted on 11/1/2017
Your car is often your second biggest investment, right behind your home. It is incredibly important to protect such a precious investment, and our team at Orinda Motors is here to help to keep your car safe and secure for the long-term. Along with providing exceptional auto service and detailing, we have a few tips and tricks designed to prolong the life of your beloved car. Here are the top 5 ways you can protect and preserve your car’s value: Protect your vehicle’s paint job with Opti-Coat Pro coating: Opti-Coat Pro will protect your car’s surface indefinitely. It is thicker than any other clear coating, as it prevents scratches, swirl marks, and acidic environmental substances. This product is only available at authorized installers. Fortunately, Orinda Auto Detail is one of these installers. Never underestimate the importance and necessity of Oil Change Service: An oil change service is vital to the safety and longevity of your car. If your ... read more
Posted on 10/1/2017
Orinda Motors cares about the safety of you and your family, and we want your Halloween celebrations to go off without a hitch. From goblins to princesses, we think there will be a quite a few distractions out there on the road. That’s why we have put together some safety tips for driving on Halloween. We want your Halloween night to be more treat than trick, so we encourage you to take a look at the list of the safety tips we have put together: Don’t use a cell phone or any other electronic device. In fact, we recommend putting it completely away, so it won’t even have the chance of distracting you. This way, you can focus on what’s in front of you. Who knows you might see a ghost gliding past you across the street? Pay close attention to crosswalks and intersections. Kids tend to dart across the street, eager to get to the next home and fill their bags with even more goodies, so be prepared for those enthusiastic trick-or-treaters. Make sure you ... read more
Posted on 7/31/2016
At Orinda Motors, we work with customers to develop a maintenance schedule that’s specific to the make and model of their cars. This begs the question: What are the 10 most common auto repairs? Here is our list of common auto repairs: A faulty or damaged oxygen sensor is one of the most common repairs we deal with. We replace oxygen sensors quite often. These devices monitor the amount of oxygen we have in our engine. One of the biggest reasons the check engine light turns on, is because your gas caps are loose or missing. It is estimated that 147 millions gallons of gas evaporate each year because of a faulty gas cap. We see a lot of cars with a damaged mass air flow sensor. This sensor measures the the amount of air that is being supplied to the engine. When the mass flow sensor is damaged, it is typically due to a lack of preventive maintenance. This problem is easily avoided by bringing your car to our shop for regular tune-ups. One of the most expensive repair ... read more
Posted on 3/1/2016
Orinda Motors takes pride in restoring classic cars. Heck, that’s putting it lightly. We LOVE classic cars and we are deeply passionate about restoring them. To illustrate what we mean, here are the six reasons we go bananas -- in a good way -- when a client asks us to repair, restore, or maintain their old car. 1. We appreciate the art form. Classic cars are works of art on wheels. The lines. The curves. The magnificence of the engine. The power. The engineering. The history. Each car was beautifully crafted, albeit on an assembly line, and they have become a major part in the fabric of American culture. Classic cars are featured in movies, on television, in video games, and in songs. From the time we were babies, we were taught that cars are a piece of art that is both practical and an asset that defines you. 2. Working on them is like meditation. Imagine going to your favorite place in the whole wide world. Now, imagine sitting i ... read more
Posted on 7/30/2015

How important is your vehicle’s suspension system, and how does it affect your tires? Well, the suspension system is critical not only for turning, stopping, and stability, but it also smooths out the ride each time you hit a pothole, speedbump, or an object in the road. Without a well-maintained suspension system, your vehicle may not be able to absorb the impact and maintain stability...and that’s dangerous. Your vehicle’s suspension is comprised of joints, pivot points, and arms that allow your ride to be smooth over the roughest roads. For the most part, the parts of a suspension system include: Ball Joint Bushings Sway Bar Tie Rod Tie Rod End Control Arm Struts Tire Cupping Eventually, all suspension systems show wear and tear, but there are signs you can look for to make sure your suspension system is healthy and performing well. The easiest way to determine if your suspension system needs service, repair, or replacement is to look at th ... read more